Church of Virgin Mary &
St. Athanasius
Diocese of Mississauga,
Vancouver and Western Canada

We thank you for your love and your support. The following options are available:
Cheque: Make a cheque and mail it to Church of the Virgin Mary and St Athanasius, 1245 Eglinton Ave. West, Mississauga, Ontario. L5V-2M4
Online: Click on the “Donate” button found below. If you are able, please consider setting up a monthly contribution.
Using the Church Plan App (Install App)
E-transfer: Login to your online banking, choose Interac e-transfer, and use the following:
Recipient Name: VMSA Church
Recipient email address: cheerfulgiver@cccnet.ca
Do not enter a security question as the account is provisioned for auto-deposit but...
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God bless you,
The Church
Current Church Activities
If you wish to schedule a confession appointment with Father Angelos Saad please contact ------- Margo Mon - Fri (6 pm - 10 pm) at (905) 699-2347
St. M a r y B o o k s t o r e
If you would like to purchase books, icons, church supplies, alter offering......etc. from St. Mary Bookstore;
We are open daily as per the following schedule:-
Monday -- Saturday 5:30 p.m. --- 8:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m. --- 12:30 p.m.
يمكنك شراء كتب و صور و براويز و لوازم الكنيسة و تقدمة القرابين ...الخ من مكتبة كنيسة سانت ماري و أنبا اثناسيوس حسب المواعيد التالية
من الأثنين الى السبت من 5:30 الى 8:00 مساء
الأحد من 8:00 صباحا الى 12:30 ظهرا
خدمة جمعية الأنبا إبرام و الطبيب الشافي
وَكُلُّ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ، فَٱعْمَلُوا مِنَ ٱلْقَلْبِ ، كَمَا لِلرَّبِّ لَيْسَ لِلنَّاسِ ، عَالِمِينَ أَنَّكُمْ مِنَ ٱلرَّبِّ سَتَأْخُذُونَ جَزَاءَ ٱلْمِيرَاثِ ، لِأَنَّكُمْ تَخْدِمُونَ ٱلرَّبَّ ٱلْمَسِيحَ .
(كُولُوسِّي 3:23-24)
خدمة الطبيب الشافي... لخدمة المرضى وكبار السن تعلن عن خدمة توصيل الاحتياجات للمنازل لغير القادرين على الخروج نظرا للظروف الحالية وحالتهم الصحية...
يمكننا شراء طعام.. احتياجات منزلية.. ادوية.. بالنيابة عن كبار السن او المرضي غير القادرين على الخروج من المنزل وتوصيلها لهم...
اذا كنت في احتياج لهذة الخدمة او تعرف من له احتياج يمكنكم الاتصال على هذه الارقام:
416 529 9278
يوميا من ١٠ صباحا حتى ه مساءا
647 570 4444
يوميا من ٥ مساءا حتى ١٠ مساءا
سوف يتم اخد البيانات وتخصيص احد الخدام لاتمام الخدمة المطلوبة...
صلوا من اجل الخدمة.. وسلام الكنيسة..
The church of The Virgin Mary and St. Athanasius started in April 1974 when four Coptic families organized a weekly prayer meeting for Coptic families and youth. The group met every Friday evening at one of their homes. The first meeting, in May 1974, was led by Father Marcos of St. Mark's Church in Toronto. The meeting was named " St. Athanasius " after our Coptic father the defender of the Christian faith. Bible studies.

Church non-periodic publication released on main Coptic Feasts and is delivered by mail to members home addresses, also available online
Christian Retreat Centre, serving church groups, Christian schools, Christian retreats/conference, families and individuals. The Valley is a place dedicated to offering Christian teaching, spiritual renewal, physical refreshment and mental relaxation. In a Biblical Christian spirit,
The Valley of the Mother of God is located on 308 acres, part of the Niagara Escarpment, situated on top of one of the highest hills of the beautiful Hockley Valley.

Her Birth
St. Joachim a righteous man and his wife St. Anna (Hannah) were stricken in years and had no children for Anna was barren. The children of Israel used to insult them because they had not begotten a son. Because of this, these two saints were sad, and prayed continually, and entreated God by day and by night. They vowed that the child they would beget would be made a steward for the temple.
He was born to pagan parents about the year 295 - 298 A.D. It happened that when he was in school, he saw some Christian children acting the Christian rituals some as priests, some as deacons and one of them as a bishop. He asked their permission to participate with them, but they refused saying: "You are pagan, and you are not allowed to mix with us." He answered them: "I am from now on a Christian." They rejoiced with him, they made him a patriarch over them in the play, they enthroned him on a high place, and they offered him honor and respect. At that time pope Alexandros passed by, when he saw them, he said to those who were with him about Athanasius: "This child would be in a great position one day."

“He is not served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything” (Acts 17:25).
“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).